The White House

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Brain misfunction

Yesterday we went to a good-bye party for Joshua at the Val Vista Park. Since our buddies are down to their last 5 days or so, unfortunately. But the kids had a great time playing together, that is, until the incident. Yes, we had an incident, and when I say we, I mean Annaliese. I didn't see exactly what happened before said incident. But what I did see was a gleeful Annaliese coming off the slide and intently pushing the little girl in front of her. The little girl ran to her mom crying, so I had to march Annaliese over to the mom and tell her what I saw and then force the ever so unfelt apology out of Annaliese's mouth. Since she wasn't acting very remorseful, I wasn't going to let her stay at the park. So I had her loaded in the car and I was so frustrated I just asked, "What made you decide to push that little girl?" She pondered for a second and then replied, "my bad." Between that incident and this morning something must have clicked because in her morning prayer she said, "Help that my brain will get nice and better."

This was the coolest. Annaliese came across this little squirrel and decided she wanted to see it up close. I thought he was going to immediately dart up a tree and be gone, but I swear this little guy was playing with her. At first it ran around the playground equipment. It even stopped and waited for what looked like, her to notice him again. Once she spotted him, he ran around again, then onto the sidewalk. Then over by the trees where he jumped on the tree and ran 4 or 5 circles on the trunk while she was running circles around the trunk. I have about 8 pictures of what I swear was them playing. I do remember when I visited Vancouver, there were black squirrels that would come right up to you, so maybe they can get used to people. Who knows? He probably was entertaining for her goldfish.

I've really got to keep a close eye on this one. She knows where she wants to go and she's fast. I'm going to lose my mind chasing these two. Speaking of losing my mind, I think I did last night. (Jonathan didn't get home until late, so it was just me wrangling the kids and it was a little chaotic.) I put her to bed last night and she woke up in the middle of the night, so I went in to check it out. When I reached to pick her up, I noticed her pajama bottoms were wet, then I noticed her shirt was wet. I thought, "oh her diaper must have slipped to the side." I felt around for it and felt no diaper. REALLY?? Then it hit me. I totally forgot to put a diaper on the baby last night! How do you forget to put a diaper on your baby?? But I did. And she peed everywhere. Maybe it's time to pray for my brain to get better.

Last playdate with Joshua until Disneyland in September!! We will miss them! But now the countdown for Disney is on!


Lindy Leigh said...

I think some animals are more than the average bear...they look right at you and seem to be connecting...or maybe Annaliese is Giselle :) See if she can sing out of your window and call for some furry or feathered help.

Emily White said...

Although she REALLY loves insects so instead of connecting with the furry woodland creatures, she would connect with the rats and cockroaches. But I'll take what I can get especially if she can get them to clean my house like on Enchanted. (That scene has parts that make me want to gag.)

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