The White House

Monday, May 10, 2010

Losin it

So I lost it yesterday. Mother's Day is a perfect day for that right? Well, attending church with two little ones, or MY two little ones, (because not everyone seems to have this problem), is in a word, CRAZY. Attending church is wrangling kids. Correction...non-stop wrangling of my crazy kids.
So the highlights. Baby Madelyn was on my lap, and Annaliese was next to me. The sacrament came and Annaliese first had to decide which sacrament cup of water she wanted to take. It took so long that Madelyn had managed to grab herself a cup and dump it on my skirt. Annaliese was still slowly slurping or savoring her water, I don't know which, and by the time she was finished, she flat refused to hand over the empty cup to be taken away. Jonathan was trying to quietly rip it out of her tight fist, which prompted her to pull tighter and burst a hole in the lovely silence of the room with, "I want to play with it!" To avoid a big commotion we motioned for the Deacon to move on, because the Deacon had been standing there long enough. While all of this was going on Madelyn had her entire left had in the tray of water just quietly flicking it around. Four fingers in four different cups of water. That was my first "Really??!" moment of the day. And I guess yelling, "I want to play iwth it!" is better than last months outburst of, "I have to poop!" and then the 10 mintue later returned outburst of, "I didn't have to poop!"
I'll skip the story about Annaliese stuffing Kix cereal between the seat crack to land on the feet of the poor people in the pew behind us. (Oh I always feel sorry for the poor folks who unknowingly choose to sit behind us.) But apparently, and I should have known that this would be the ill fate of the mediocre snack food that I handed her. Especially when it was NOT the chocolate she had asked for. (It was See's chocolate and it was in my purse, it was a gift and it was mine! Hey, I gave her piece earlier..obviously she has a chocolate problem.)
Oh what was next? Primary with the kids. I have my little class of 4 year olds that I sit with and Annaliese is supposed to sit with the 3 year olds, but she never does. She can't sit still to save her life. She wants to hang on me, sit on my lap. She is up, down, on the floor rolling around. Yesterday they were doing a singing game with bowling, so in between bowls she was on the floor with the pins. So I would put her back in her chair in between bowls. Finally she got fed up with me putting her in her chair and she even realized she was being watched by all the kids, because she looked out at everyone with a proud glimmer in her eye. It was an all of a sudden realization of, "I have an audience! COOL!" Well, she picked up a bowling pin and threw it at me. Which prompted me to grab my stuff, scoop her up and send her into the hall. Luckily Jonathan was out there with the baby. Maybe unlucky for Jonathan because I handed over Annalise and said, "I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore. This is ridiculous." At which point the men came in to take over our classes for "Mother's Day" where I was supposed to go to the women's class, but I promptly drove home.
When I came back to pick up Jonathan and Annaliese, Annaliese ran to me with a candy and a rehearsed apology. Where did she get the candy? The Bishops office. "I ranned in and I ranned out." The Bishop has candy for the kids who are "caught being reverent", or for the kids who run in and steal it and run out. Well, it was a peace offering.
Will I be there next week? We'll see. Is Jonathan worried about me going inactive? Just a little.


Diana said...

Sorry Em but this did make me laugh a little! But only because it's not me right now. I am in for it though. Just remember me in 6 months when Madeline can go to nursery, Annalise will be used to sunbeams and I will have a crazy 2 year old and 2 infants...if anyone is worried about their wife becoming inactive it should be Ryan! And if it makes you feel any better, I really have never heard any of the outbursts during sacrament from Annalise!

Emily White said...

In hind sight the stories are funny and entertaining. In the moment, you want to kill them and go inactive.
Don't worry too much about the twins at church. People will be so eager to take them off your hands that you'll be golden. It's when the twins turn 3 1/2. That's when you'll have a problem.

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