The White House

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Getting out of the house

Annaliese at the Pleasanton Street Fair in Maddie's car. In one of the first shops we went in she saw that dress. She pulled it out and showed Joshua and she said, "Joshua's isn't this beautiful! Isn't this the most beautiful thing you ever saw!" And he went along and said, "yes!" He knows the drill, when he gets married he'll have no problem. Smile and nod at whatever the ol lady says.

Annaliese with her best buddy Joshua. She said to his mom, "I told Joshua that he wants to hold my hand."

I was having a really hard time early this week. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself a little bit about not being as successful as I would have liked making friends since I've moved. But then again I really didn't even try at all before I moved since I had old friends already. So if you think about it, my friend making skills peaked at age 5 when I made my 2 best friends that are still my friends today. Really, all I had to say was, "let's play!", and everything worked out. I guess that approach could still work now. Jonathan tells me I'm impatient and he's probably right. I've only been here about 7 months. I'm really trying to eliminate being negative, (I guess MOnday and Tuesday I fell of the positivity band wagon). But I really am trying to be focused and have a clear direction about all the things I want to do and change in my life. But it's true, I'm pretty impatient with all of it.
Then on Wednesday, one of the mom's I became friends with at a local park called me and took me out to lunch at an awesome Japanese food restaurant, which was incredibly nice of her. The bonus was one of my kids was with Papa and the other one was asleep next to me. It was a nice, much needed break. And that restuaruant...AH-mazing.
Then the wife of Jonathan's old buddy from his movie theater days, called and invited me and the kids to hang out with her and her son at the street fair downtown later that same day. It all happened just in time to save my sanity. So nice and I had so much fun. Just what I needed before I threw in the towel.


Diana said...

Em, you are like the best friend EVER. Seriously, your friend making skills are awesome, I just feel bad that I have like dropped off the face of the planet since I found out about the twins. Life has been going by too quick and I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. Sorry that I haven't been as good as a friend as you have and can we hang out? I know I keep saying it, but lets make a date!

Emily White said...

You know how it is when you spend way too much time indoors with kids. You can go a little nuts...or a lot nuts in my case. You know what's coming out this month...Eclipse! I am dying! Now that's a serious date! I'll bring the m & m's!

Nicole VJ Allen said...

That said, let's get together sometime! I am heading to Cal Academy tomorrow I think, holistic fair on Sunday and hiking Monday and/or Tues. Miss you tons!

Love and kisses,

Nicole VJ Allen said...

P.S. start looking on I think you'll find it very helpful!

Emily White said...

Hey Nicole! It's been forever! That is so awesome that you have gotten into all the holistic stuff. I am wanting to learn that so bad! And I would definitely love to hang out again. That would be awesome! I'm in Pleasanton!!

Nicole VJ Allen said...

I am going to a holistic fair in Walnut Creek tomorrow. Bring the fam if need be. I'm bringing my niece. I've got coupons for free admission. Here are the details:

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