The White House

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


There is no hidding place deep enough or high enough when someone has a true addiction. My question is where was her sponsor in her time of weakness? It's so sad to see someone fall off the wagon like this. A true moment of desperation. Just sad.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Cabin at Donner

Ever Since Annaliese saw the cartoon episode of Kai Lan where Kai Lan goes to the snow, she's been all about going to the snow. We almost missed the season because Jonathan has been so busy at the stage. But, finally a few days ago, Jonathan came home and said, "We're going to the snow!" So we packed up and headed up to Donner Lake. The Madden's were really awesome and offered their cabin. We left Wednesday afternoon and as we arrived, it was snowing. Annaliese couldn't get her snow suit on fast enough! She was just all over the place and we hadn't even opened the front door yet. On her to do list was to slide down a hill and build a snowman. From this point on until the end of the evening, she was extremely, extremely naughty. Maybe over stimulation? Who knows? But Jonathan had to threaten to turn around and go back home a few times. She called his bluff and yeah, he was bluffing.

For me, one of my joys of vacation is getting good shots. This time I brought the tripod so I could actually be in some shots with my family. I set the camera on interval timer to shoot every 5 seconds for 10 shots or so and got a decent family photo. Yay!! I'm in the shot! Even though I did make it Jonathan's New Year's resolution to take more photos of me and the kids (you know, to keep it balanced.) Does it count if you make a New Year's Resolution for someone? I'll just hand him the camera and say, "Here, your turn!"

We drove around to see the sites. I had to take this photo of Annaliese, (on the wall) because of my brothers shots of their kids. They always have a shot of their kids where it looks like they're on the edge of a cliff somewhere. Even though Annaliese isn't actually on any dangerous edge, my brother's kids probably are all on the edge of actual cliffs. I'm just trying to keep up.
A notable event happend on this trip, Madelyn took her first official steps. First at Islands Restaurant in Roseville on our way up, and again in the cabin.

Credits: Scrabook elements, From Hibernation Kit, by Libby Weifenbach at Sweet Shoppe Designs)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Well I've finally done it! I have set up an official family blog. I promise after reading this blog, you are sure to feel better about your own house keeping abilities, parenting styles and overall mental health. So here goes, welcome to the White House, it's generally a little out of control.